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No.CementCode of Test
1.Density of Hydraulic Cement(Specific Gravity)ASTM C 188-95(AASHTO T 133)
2.Soundness (Lechatelier Method)ASTM C 151/C151M-18
3.Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement MortarsASTM C 109/C109M-02
4.Time of Setting & Normal Consistency of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat NeedleASTM C 191-04a(AASHTO T 131)
ASTM C 187-98(AASHTO T 129)
5.Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air-PermeabilityASTM C 204-00(AASHTO 153)
6.Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by SievingASTM C 430
7.Air Content of Motar(By Pressure)ASTM C 231

No.Coarse AggregateCode of Test
1.Specific Gravity And Absorption of Coarse AggregateASTM C 127-88
2.Sieve Analysis of Coarse AggregateASTM C 136-96a
3.Particle Shape Test of Coarse AggregeteAASHTO T 27/T11
4.Bulk Density(Unit Weight) and Voids in AggregateASTM C 29/C29M-97(AASHTO T19/T19 M)
5.Clay Lumps and Frible Particles in AggregteASTM C142-97(AASHTO T112)

6.Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse
Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los
Angeles Machine
ASTM C 131-96
7.Aggregate Impact ValueBS 812 - 112

8.Aggregate Crushing Value and 10% Fines ValueBS 812 - 110

9.Uniaxial Compressive Strength TestASTM E 4
10.Sodium Sulphate Soundness Test(5 Cycle Soundness)ASTM C 88
11.Particles Finer than # 200 SieveASTM C 117
12.Alkali -Silica Reaction Test(Motor Bar Method)ASTM C 227/ASTM C 1260
13.Alkali-Silica Reaction Test(Chemical Method)ASTM C 289

No.Fine AggregateCode of Test
1.Specific Gravity And Absorption of Fine AggregateASTM C 128-97
2.Sieve Analysis of Fine AggregateASTM C 136-96a
3.Clay Lumps and Frible Particles in AggregteAASHTO T122 / ASTM C142-97
4.Bulk Density(Unit Weight) and Voids in AggregateASTM C 29/C29M-97
5.Organic Impurities TestASTM C 40(AASHTO T 21)
6.Particles Finer than #200 SieveASTM C-117
7.Sodium Sulphate Soundness Test(5 Cycle Soundness)ASTM C 88

No.SoilCode of Test
1.Atterberg Limits TestASTM D 4318
2.Particles Size Analysis TestASTM D 422-63(Reapproved 2002)
3.Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Standard Effort
ASTM D 698-07
4.Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Modified Effort
ASTM D 1557-12
5.Specific Gravity TestASTM D 854
6.Absorption TestASTM D 570
7.Laboratory CBR TestASTM D 1883

No.SteelCode of Test
1.Tensile Strength TestASTM E8/E8M-16a(AASHTO T 68)
2.Unit Weight TestASTM A 370 - 08 a
3.Diameter TestASTM A 955 / 955M - 90
4.Elongation TestASTM 615
5.Bending Test
6.Structural Member Test

No.In-Situ TestCode of Test
1.Plate Bearing Test(Field CBR)ASTM D 1994
2.Dynamic Cone penetrometer Test(DCP)ASTM D 6951
3.Field Density Test (Sand Cone Method)ASTM D 1556
4.Rebound Hammer TestASTM C 805

No.ConcreteCode of Test
1.Concrete Mix DesignAbsolute Volume Method
2.Concrete Mix DesignBy Volume Method
3.Concrete Compressive Strength Test(Cylinder/Cube)ASTM C 39/BS 1881 Part 108
4.Air Content of Concrete(By Pressure)ASTM C 231

No.BrickCode of Test
1.Brick Compressive Strength TestIS 3495/ ASTM C 67
2.Initial Rate of AbsorptionASTM C 67